Panier Escadrille Paris

How to wear espadrilles with jeans ?

Since the 70s, jeans have been THE fashion staple for women, men, and children alike. Our wardrobes and clothing stores feature every kind of jean possible or imaginable. From dark wash to light wash or colored, there is something for everyone.

Escadrille offers a multitude of espadrille styles to wear with jeans and pimp your look whatever the season. Their laid-back style makes espadrilles and jeans a winning combination every time.

All our espadrilles will give a cool look to your denim outfits. For example, you could opt for a pretty pair of sparkly espadrilles to dress up your jeans and enhance your figure for a casual chic feel, with the styles Lovrecina, Marbella and Paloma. If you aren’t a fan of the sparkly look, Socoa espadrilles will lend your summer wardrobe a hint of zest.